Tablets list disappeared in Blisk

Explore the missing tablets from Blisk's extensive collection and find the perfect one for you.

This article is out of date. We are updating the documentation.

Blisk tablets list is a group of devices, located in the browser devices list. Read more about browser devices list here.

Blisk device list
Blisk device list

If you can not find the tablets list - it might has been collapsed. Find the tablets toggler on the top of devices list. Clicking this button expands/collapses the list of browser tablets. The indicator means, that the list is collapsed. The indicator means, that the list is expanded.

Button Blisk tablets list toggler
Button Blisk tablets list toggler

Please note, that if you collapse tablets list - Blisk will save it's state. It means that if you open the new tab or a new window - the tablets list will be collapsed.

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