How to download Blisk

Discover the fastest way to download Blisk browser and enhance your web development experience

This article is out of date. We are updating the documentation.
Review the latest documentation for Blisk

Blisk browser is a browser for web developers. Blisk is available for:

  • For Windows 11/10 or Windows Server 2016 or later (64-bit version).
  • For macOS Catalina v.10.15 or later
  • For Linux

Please, follow the download instructions.

We recommend getting a Blisk account before downloading Blisk. You will need this account later to log in Blisk browser and unlock extra features.

Please, note that by downloading Blisk browser you agree to the End-user license agreement. Blisk installer is secure, our company was verified to sign the code we are releasing. We ensure that our software development is secure and assets of our clients always remain protected.

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Learn the basics of using Blisk:

Learn more about Developer Mode, Development Domain, and Device Manager on Blisk Documentation.

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